Monday 19 September 2016

IHSW check-in and result.

Hi everyone,

So although I've signed up for the IHSW I only noticed I had forgotten to do the "before post" yesterday (Sunday) so opted for leaving a 2-1 post for today.

So let me start by showing you my progress on My SOLO pieces on Thursday and Friday (preparing for IHSW):

SS10 - 15/09/16 - 1st symbol of this page all done

SS11 - 16/09/16

Baby Raghlan:
KS07 - 15/09/16 - start on the second sleeve
KS08 - 16/09/16

And now what have I done during the official IHSW (my days off are Monday and Tuesday, so in theory my IHSW will only finish tomorrow ;) which are the two days I can stitch/knit to my heart content)

Saturday I've finished like this:

Didn't work on NWN as it was a busy day/night with work and Little Miss, so I knew there was no hope for me to stitch unless I wanted to frog everything on the following day.

But made up on the knitting front, finished the sleeve and started the top joining everything together:
KS09 - 17/09/16
And on Sunday this was how I finished:

SS12 - 18/09/16 - Finished 2nd symbol and started the 3rd
Baby Raglan:

KS10 - 18/09/16

Thanks for stopping by
Happy Stitches :)

Thursday 15 September 2016

Weekly update

Hi everyone,

So sticking to my decision of blogging more often, here it is my weekly progress with my daily pictures of my SOLO projects. NWN didn't see much progress this werk as i could only work on it Monday and Tuesday nights (my nights off of work) and there's no stitching chance while DD is up, and I spent The full monday evening gridding the next page and finding a solution to replace the frame I'm using, as I'm not liking it as it's not keeping the tension tight as I like (ended up ordering my first q-snaps onlin to see if it fixes my problem) and I've tried to put it in on of my scroll frames but it's even worse as the sides are loose (went with it yesterday as I didn't want to spend more of the stitching time trying to sort it out but it's making my progress slower as I have to keep holding the side to keep the tension). Anyway, to make up for it my Baby raghlan as grown quite a bit.

So NWN progress:
SS08 - 12/09/16 - No stutching just gridding

SS08 - Close up
SS09 - 13/09/16
According to the chart I've reached halfway of the lenght on this page :) (So eventually when I've this row of pages done I'll have more than half of the chart stitched, as the mark is at the middle of the page more or less)

And my knitting progress on the Baby Raghlan:
KS02 -08/09/16

KS03 - 10/09/16

KS04 - 11/09/16

KS05 - 12/09/16 - 1st part of the body done

KS06 - 13/06/16 - Body and 1 arm done

Thanks for stopping by,

Thursday 8 September 2016

SOLO September - another page finished

Hi everyone,

So considering that I've promised myself that I'd stick to NWN until it is finished, the SOLO September is the perfect SAL for me (as I don't have to do anything more besides what I'm already doing) :D The only "Adjustment" I'm making is that not only I'm sticking to only one stitching project I'm also sticking to one knitting project as well.

So although September as started a week ago and I've already started the SOLO September, I haven't made the proper "join in" post (so this is it).

My stitching project, obviously, is the No Words Needed, and, I've finally completed another page, which means I know have 12 pages/ 2 rows completed of a total of 36p/6r (being the last column and row pages only partial)
I'm taking a picture by the end of each stitching session (again) so that I have a "daily" (whenever I can work on it) progress picture. 

End of Stitching Session 06 on 30/08/2016

End of SS07 - 06/09/2016 - 12pg finished

And my Knitting SOLO project is the baby cardigan
Which went from this:
1st attempt
To this:
End of KS01 - 05/09/16
I've ripped it all and restarted it with the proper needles and I'm so happy I did it as the bottom is looking much better.

Thanks all for stopping by :)
Happy Stitches